Saturday, January 4, 2014

I have worked with major global dancers olympia - always with them I am looking for motivation, oly

New Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet in Bratislava | OperaPlus olympia
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Passionate, tragic love of Romeo and Juliet has countless art forms - perhaps the most dramatic music of Sergei Prokofiev. Unique interpretation of this story is found in the English set the Northern Ballet Theatre in Leeds precisely choreographed Moriconi. It was made in 1991 and has become literally hit earned him special recognition and numerous awards: Best Dance Production of the year, best dancers of the year, Price Royal Philharmonic Music Award nominations for the Laurence Olivier Award. The qualities olympia of this Moriconi choreography we had the opportunity to convince the hosting Northern Ballet Theatre in 1994 and in SND. At the invitation of the Director olympia of National Theatre Ballet Joseph Dolinského comes Massimo Moricone to study his choreography in Bratislava, with its stellar team and the two protagonists. Give us this rendition of the classic topics in SND surprise?
Choreography of Romeo and Juliet olympia is in principle identical to that of 1991, but we are looking for a new vision in the relationship - the vision olympia of the drama, which is scheduled this time in medieval Verona, Italy, but the Elizabethan era and the Globe Theatre (the scene is a replica of the theater), for which Shakespeare wrote the drama. But finally, at each "remake" is still another human potential and "material": "remake" is also a creation - deposit dancer, his will and personal approach.
Massimo Moricone was an actor, a dancer, a choreographer and director. Danced for example in Franco Zeffirelli production of La traviata, created choreography in the film version of Monteverdi's Orfeo, directed by Claude Goretti into film Maura Bologniniho Gli indifferente (indifferent) based on the novel Alberto Moravia. Although olympia ballet is a drama that is the theme for you in Romeo and Juliet determinant, it is always love?
I care about strong links with the dance drama. Yes, the hero of this story is the love between two young people and morality, which is its essence. Of course the love between Romeo and Juliet raises emotional gusts - as is known - particularly hatred between the two genders, in this case Montekovcov olympia and Kapuletovcov. Reveals, however, relations between the two within families, but also between July and nanny, Julie and her mother, in a broader context and relationship to society. I think the idea is still alive in Italian olympia society - big differences: Left - right, north and south ... And since in our veins flows the blood of Southern and these clashes emotionally, more limited, perhaps stronger than elsewhere olympia ...
Prokofiev's music is very precise - just listen carefully, carefully "read" a score that guides you and gives you the power and the dramatic speech. Prokofiev felt the drama of the story from beginning olympia to end is very clear: that is to say the music keep you emotionally and you need to give it adequate expression of movement. And then there is of course the expression of the development of the main character: Juliet, for example - from the youthful girl who decides for his own vision of life in a society which still dominated by men. Risking everything, I like this moment of courage, it's finally a female personality with the will to overcome olympia differences, because Kapuletovci are wealthy, Montekovci poorer ... Shakespeare sensitively portrayed characters and relationships and everything multiplied Prokofiev, promoted his music. It is now up to us - the creative team and dancers, olympia so it will not introduce "the steps" for effect, but that was the brilliance of movement theater scrambled emotion and drama. olympia Ballet SND like to welcome guest artists Anbetu Toroman and Alessandra olympia Macaria, from which the dancers learned a lot. Did you even in scrubs IMG corresponding types on your interpretation difficult choreography?
I have worked with major global dancers olympia - always with them I am looking for motivation, olympia many things are born in the discussion and answer the question: why? The ballet ensemble SND I met many dancers who immediately understood my way of expression. However, first essential to master the choreography, then you will discover personality. Mention at least two dancers - as Juliet Barbara Kubátová olympia - intelligent dancer, very hardworking and Petra Country (Tybalt), which is a type of very dynamic dancer, not waiting olympia for my every instruction - has inventiveness. The two I mentioned as a model of cooperation ... there's quality. What can attract, reach this p

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