Thursday, December 25, 2014

He uryadzhuvav disputes with other faiths, organized rallies ariyanski himself engaged in the propa

He uryadzhuvav disputes with other faiths, organized rallies ariyanski himself engaged in the propagation of the faith, us soccer was a generous us soccer patron of cases involving Arianism. He acquired extensive lands of the Left, on the banks of the Vorskla and Aurelie and tenants in these estates nastanovlyuvav Arians.
In the early 17th century Ukraine was a spiritual and organizational us soccer center of the world Arianism, which is called Socinianism and antytrynitaryzmom. "Although most sotsynianskyh works at this time, as before, or printed in Poland or abroad, the place of writing in the 50's was the Ukraine" (Lyubaschenko us soccer VI History of Protestantism in Ukraine. - K .: POLIS 1996). At this time ariyanska flow "already had a strong position us soccer in the Ukrainian lands, mostly in Volyn. In fact, this area has become one of the main centers of the movement and to the Commonwealth. Among the patrons were magnates-Ukrainian Mykola Olesnytskyy and Jan cat, gentry families of Ivanicski, Kandyba, Senyuta, Hoyskyh, Rohozhynskyh, Pronsk and others. Region of Socinianism spread in Ukraine and Kiev was also the land where the main flow companions were magnate family Nemyrych, huntsman Kiev province Voynarovsky Stephen, Peter Peresitskyy podchashie Chernihiv, Kyiv Castellan Roman Hoyskyy and others "(Sokolovsky OL Place antytrynitaryzmu in political life nobility us soccer Ukraine XVI - XVII centuries. - Exactly: Izd Waiting for them. Franko, 2009). Arians believed Prince Ostrog their patron us soccer and secret us soccer follower ariyanskyy poet Erasmus Otvinovskyy dedicated to Prince Polish-poetic parable (Peter us soccer KRALIUK. Kysylynska Academy - one of the first high schools. - Newspaper Day , 204-205, 9.11.2012 - http: / / This was a serious support, as Prince Constantine Ostrog Basil II (1526-1608) was not only the largest in the Commonwealth landowner after the King and influential magnate in Ukraine, but also a contender for the royal throne of the Commonwealth and Muscovy. "In the late 16th - early 17th century. having community us soccer sotsynian estates in the most orthodox tycoon Prince K.-W. Ostrog us soccer - in jail, and Ostropoli Starokonstantyniv. Prince used the services of Arians in its political and educational activities. However, after the death of Prince K.-W. Ostrog in 1608 continued us soccer to be referred us soccer to the community "(Victoria Lyubaschenko. Reform Movement // History of Ukrainian culture. - Kyiv, 2001. - Volume 2 Chapter us soccer 4. This suggests that between the then Ukrainian Orthodoxy and Arianism was no significant contradictions. The spread of Arianism facilitated by the fact that his followers were far from fanaticism or intransigence to other believers. Yes, ariyanskiy Rakivskiy Academy trained young men from Calvinist, Catholic, Orthodox communities. His faith ariyanskyy movement is not separated from the humanistic ideals of freedom of conscience and the free development of man. Their main religious activities focused on preaching the Gospel, education, education and practical realization of spiritual guidance us soccer in daily life. For every ariyanska community actively us soccer engaged in education of almost all the communities had their own school, us soccer which was guided by highly educated people, most of whom had a broad worldview and was foreign universities. However, the main center of Ukrainian Arianism was a historic Kyiv region. Thus, among the gentry Zhitomir, Ovruch, Chernyahova in this period were so many followers of Arianism, they sometimes filled with a local provincial Diet and here were the dominant party. This probably can be explained by the fact Arianism very active in the Kyiv region, "which supporters publicly defended the rights not only yedynovirtsiv but also Orthodox, not only nobles and burghers and Distribution ... Socinianism in cities shows that his supporters were many townspeople. Some communities is almost entirely made up of the urban middle class, giving grounds us soccer Catholic opponents called Arians humiliating (under then-birth mentality) nicknames "slave, turners, Veretelnyk ..." "(Lyubaschenko VI History of Protestantism in Ukraine). The extent of movement us soccer is the fact that in 1638, 1639 and 1640 in Kyselyni Volyn occurred ariyanski congresses attended by three thousand delegates. This community us soccer representatives came not only from all parts of the Commonwealth, but also from other countries (Peter KRALIUK. Ibid). "Kyselyn was ancestral estates us soccer noble family jelly that left outstanding traces in the history of Ukraine. According to some researchers, the family drove back to the Kievan Rus, and his ancestors were followers of the Holy Prince Vladimir. Perhaps Kyselyn existed in old Rus times, although the first mention of it falls on 1545 р. & N

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