Saturday, December 20, 2014

Currently, different from champagne sparkling wine in Champagne received three centuries ago. Today

Chilled, but not cold! "Youth for Health
He mixed wine with grapes from different areas, getting cuvee (from the French cuvee - champagne from a mixture of different wines) with a rich bouquet. And once his numerous studies and experiments that lasted nearly 50 years, failed.
Currently, different from champagne sparkling wine in Champagne received three centuries ago. Today the name cherntsya House Perignon (Dom Perignon) jelonka is one of the best brands jelonka of champagne is produced in limited edition.
Technology has changed and cooking wine. In the classical method, the process goes through several stages champagne (circulation, remyuazh, dehorzhazh, dozazh) and before entering into sale Champagne is aged in the bottle for several jelonka months.
Valid wine connoisseurs consider to be the title of champagne, jelonka wine must meet the following requirements: be made only in the Champagne region using only three permitted jelonka by law grapes grown only in the province.
One of the main information carriers champagne - cork. If corked bottle with polypropylene stopper, so it is best to drink even trying. But today should be closed jelonka champagne cork is made from the bark of the tree, which is indicated in the manufacturer's name and year of manufacture.
Before use champagne jelonka really need cool, but very little - to 9-12 degrees. If you violate temperature and cool drink more, its true flavor and aroma lost.
French researchers scientifically substantiated the need to cool before drinking champagne. In addition, the researchers found out that sparkling wine should be poured on the edge of the glass slope, not pour directly into the center. The article in which researchers suggest justification of these two rules and describe the experiments, published in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Briefly work is described in the press release of the American Chemical Society.
The work of scholars came from the fact that the taste of champagne jelonka and other sparkling wines depends on the content of carbon dioxide through which a refreshing beverage bubbles appear. jelonka The bubbles are formed jelonka when dissolved in liquid CO2 begins to come out of it.
The researchers examined how changes in champagne concentration of carbon jelonka dioxide at different temperatures and methods pouring into the glass. Scientists jelonka have conducted experiments to cool champagne to 4, 12 and 18 degrees Celsius (authors worked with a drink harvest 2008). In glasses jelonka of wine poured on the wall or on the bottom right height.
Tests have shown that the warmer the champagne, the greater the loss of CO2 during the pouring into the glass. As for the method of bottling by the glass, the scientists found out that in the case of "guilty" mode (ie when the champagne is poured jelonka on the wall not) lost nearly twice as much carbon dioxide than the "beer" mode (when the drink is poured in tilted glass). In their paper, the authors did not specify that the angle of the glass is optimal.
Recently, another research team conducted research work on the properties of other liquor - vodka. Experts say that it tastes directly connected with the special structure of water molecules that form around molecules of ethanol.
Divers found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea about 30 bottles of champagne, which produced is believed to the French Revolution. jelonka Champagne is believed to be "Veuve Clicquot jelonka (Veuve jelonka Clicquot) could be produced between 1782 and 1788 and is said to have experts who have tasted it, taste it is not lost.
2003-2014 Resource Center for Youth for Health project "Youth for Health" | The Center 2004-2014

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