Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Royal and Resistance | The Royal during the German occupation | With Heerlen Tells we record the history of Heerlen through stories of (old) Heerlen Egyptians themselves.
An interesting aspect of the history download festival of the Royal cinema when we left, however, rest: the period during World War II. Again Ivo Senden download festival as narrator, we look back at this impressive chapter in the history of Heerlen finest cinema. "It very nearly became the Royal had not been," said Senden.
The first notable fact Senden we can tell is that when the Germans invaded, there was a big misconception. Everyone in Heerlen thought namely, "now will total no more American films are shown there." Especially in the beginning it was a misconception: download festival the screening of German films in the beginning but still quite scarce. "The downside of turning German films," said Senden, "was that they first have to be subtitled. download festival People here do not speak German. "
German occupation Over time the Royal was, however, imposed certain movies. But where possible trying owner of Royal, Max Bergen, coming from underneath. "Yes, the Royal was then also summoned several times by the Chamber of Culture." The Dutch Chamber of Culture was an institution set up by the Germans during World War II, where anyone who wanted to practice the profession of artist, writer, musician or stage performer, had to sign with them. Who, without his registration with the Chamber of Culture was accepted, nevertheless made artistic download festival work, then risked a fine of up to f 5,000. If we could convert our time, this is about a value of 29,500. So the Royal tried somewhat to resist, but controls in the hall and the many penalties has been the cinema, this rebellious attitude still held in check.
The Royal and Resistance "Soon, the Royal when contact with the Resistance sought" says Senden. There were then all channels under the Royal (who were there are indeed related to safety), and that were in the Resistance ideal to use. "Van download festival Bergen has left that, while everyone expected that he would refuse. Yes, really. He helped the Resistance. "
"The hall was full of Germans download festival and 'bad Dutch' to watch a movie, while in the meantime the underground corridors of the cinema vollagen with weapons," says Ivo Senden download festival us this unique download festival anecdotes. It is for many but also hard to imagine that this is all happening at the Royal cinema. "Even pilots were hidden in the dressing rooms of the Royal [the locker download festival rooms were where now stands the Rivoli, ed.]."
The then director of the Royal has once stabbed two pilots in civilian clothes and let watch movies while on a small distance - down the hall - were NSB. "Then he took a walk carrots download festival sweat," says Senden laughing about the almost absurd situation. "He download festival thought that please do me never again!"
The fosforbom on the roof of the Royal Then there is the fosforbom which during the war has drilled through the roof of the cinema. "Yes, it very nearly the Royal had not been." Yet such kind of events but still scarce images found. "One of the rare film footage of that time, the so-called. Polygon images," says Senden. "As the images of a high-ranking member of the NSB who was shot dead in the market of Heerlen Heerle to."
"He then fled into the Royal and Van Bergen has kept him when hidden." The Germans were furious. In retaliation for the 'attack' had everything (from bars to theaters and cinemas) weeks remain closed. "However, Van Bergen has always kept his mouth shut." Examination of Senden at Royal, according to papers whatsoever that Van Bergen after the war has received several awards. Which again underlines download festival Van Bergen Heerlen community not only an almost historic cinema has given, but also his fellow man did not drop during perhaps the most difficult period of the 20 th century.
What I meant to say was that the American films that were screened, all were subtitled by the film companies in Amsterdam, who settled the distribution in the Netherlands. When the Germans wanted to set mandatory their homegrown films in the Netherlands, this came directly from Germany (mostly Berlin) and therefore had not received subtitles. The proposition that people do not understand German here, concentrated more on the Netherlands than in Heerlen, as many German born Heerlen inhabitants was nearly a second language.
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