Thursday, May 28, 2015

Negative, too, is plenty. The most obvious - strained a half-hour cinecitta sitting with head uptur

Spherical theater (not in vacuum) | strange mixture cinecitta
Spherical cinema - it's almost like a spherical horse in a vacuum, but not a horse and not in a vacuum. It's just a place where incredible giant screen showing the strange-ceiling dokumentalky with equally amazing computer graphics.
If anyone else knows: Kyiv planetarium (Vasylkovska 57/3) - this is more than just a planetarium. Now (5 December) there runs a cultural and entertainment center ATMASFERA 360 , which is actually a spherical theater, very funny and, most happy, free play area, and art box. With the emergence of this institution began Planetarium look very modern, now they can order fresh, play interactive multimedia games and keep their children there without fear that the way back they will have to explain what a "scoop." Even hanging above the cash registers kilkametrovyy humanoid Hollywood sample, and happy, and hints at the same time.
Spherical theater itself is impressive, especially the size of the screen on which the image is projected - in fact, the entire spherical ceiling. So, if you look up - the picture will be everywhere within your view. When the image moves fast - it takes. The positive is the fact that since the spherical movie full house while not gaining, remains the cheapest cinecitta option of buying tickets, followed cinecitta by ignition of the most expensive places (checked ushers stand).
Negative, too, is plenty. The most obvious - strained a half-hour cinecitta sitting with head upturned upwards. Reclining seats could save the situation. For example, it was possible to make a few places worth lying to UAH 120 and since no one would have bought anyway, I would once again bought the cheapest tickets and sat / lay on them.
Another very important question - that video offered. I had the honor to visit the film "Characteristics of light: the history of life." About light in the movie it was, and about being mentioned often, however, the film was not that nedonaukovym - just some Hearn. cinecitta Stories are told about the origin of life voice-over, cinecitta apparently collected among the villagers Great authentic Perdyuky cinecitta Nadvirna district of Ivano-Frankivsk region - or explain all this bryed of cosmic dust that carries life throughout the cosmos - is impossible. Picture frankly better than text, but not good: designed in 3D nebula resembled pieces of shit so that suspected latent koprofiliyi authors of the film did not leave me until the end view. And if the text is written in Great Perdyukah, the computer graphics, judging by the quality, made in the very Nadvornaya.
Appeared cinecitta coolest games area. There are three rides, two of which - brilliant. First - Arkanoid in which reflection panel moves depending on how you yourself to move in the games room. Furthermore, your small copy is shown on the panel itself, and you can, for example, reflect the ball with his hands, head or something. The second brilliant game - Space invayders cinecitta where prybulski ships moving on the canvas, and you are offered for a limited time to shoot down them like normal tennis balls. And one, another game in earnest cinecitta captures draws, provoking play more and more addictive, destroys families, employs social workers. The only deterrent factor that can not stay there permanently - children who look at you with their enormous eyes clean blameless period of infantile sexuality and emit desire to play well. The very play area, incidentally, does not always remain free, so would advise to hurry. Spherical movies you can not see, but it is worth poshpilyty.
Regarding art platform can not say much: artovist cinecitta last I have not been able to test, but in terms maydanchykovosti it works well, though inferior to, say, the Independence area.
So, fellow citizens and other comrades in the shop, I would still recommend to come. Owners - advised to pick better movies. The team of Nadvirna - no longer make films. Ushers - and then not to drive the nation's future student of illegally occupied their seats. Play area - to be and to be free in the future.
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