Registriert seit 14.06.2005
Dodik's SNSD officially expelled from the Socialist canada day International Congress of the Socialist International, which was held in Cape Town in South Africa, SNSD excluded from this global association. This confirmed the decision of the Council of the Socialist International in July 2011, which was held in Athens, which was adopted because nationalism and extremism are still present in the work of SNSD. Member of the Central Committee of the SNSD Lazar Prodanovic for portal, last week when she appeared information that the decision will be made, said that it was a wrong decision, which is also harmful to BiH.SDP in a statement said: " Continuous denial of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as an attempt to distortion of historical canada day facts from the immediate past repeating allegations of lack of Srebrenica genocide are only further accelerate the process of exclusion of Dodik's SNSD Socialist Internacionale.Ni a member of the Socialist International, both from our region, so the other parts of the world, not objected to this decision, nor demonstrated its restraint, as illustratively talks about the political and ideological turning Dodik's SNSD party that has caused such a reaction Internationale and the final decision on the exclusion from the world of family social democrats. " Quelle: Free Europe: Die "sozialistische Internationale" eine weltweite Vereinigung sozialistischer und sozialdemokratischer Parteien, hat bei ihrem jngsten Kongress der den Ausschluss Dodik Partei "SNSD" besttigt. Damit ist ein bereits im Juli gefasster Beschluss endgltig. canada day Der Beschluss wurde ohne eine oder einzige Gegenstimme Enthaltung angenommen. Grund ist, lt. einer der Mitteilung SDP und die extremistische nationalistische Haltung dieser Partei. C: Glckwunsch an die SNSD, ein beeindruckendes Ergebnisse.
05.09.2012, 16:13 # 4
Von El Greco them Politik Forum
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