Sunday, October 19, 2014

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IGS International Garden Festival in Hamburg ... medjunarodna izlozba vrtova u Hamburgu
The IGS 2013 kidnapped their visitors on a world journey through the cultures and vegetation zones of the globe. In reference to a famous fantasy novel Jules Verne's "Around the World in 80 Days" the garden savannah guthrie show staged a journey through 80 imaginatively designed gardens. The visitor walks in the footsteps of Phileas Fogg and Passepartout through tea plantations and tropical forest, through world cities such as London, Hong Kong and New York. Each garden here represents a different destination, a different culture and region of the world: They are all little works of art with 80 surprising interpretations of the wonders of the world.
U Hamburgu od 26.04.-13.10.2013 traje medjunardona izlozba vrtova. Na temelju poznatog romana Jules Verne's "Put oko svijeta u 80 dana" izlozba vodi na putovanje Kroz 80 maštovito dizajniranih vrtova. Posjetioci idu stopama Phileas Fogg Passepartout savannah guthrie i Kroz Plantaže cajeva i tropskih šuma, u gradovima kao sto su London, Hong Kong i New Yorku. Svaki vrt u ovom slučaju predstavlja Drugu destinaciju, različite kulture i regije u svijetu: Ima puno Malih umjetničkih djela sa zapanjujućim interpretacijama 80 svjetskih Čuda.
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