IBA (International Building Exhibition) Hamburg / IBA Medjunarodna izlozba gradjevinarstva 23.03.2013-03.11.2013
An IBA should put in each city for the urban and agricultural change, especially Impulse. With such a target place in Hamburg from 23/03/2013 to 03/11/2013 The International sky fall BauaAustellung place - a glimpse into the future. There are a total of 50 projects that you can visit and some ideas that are added very innovative, sky fall you have to get used as a visitor a little. Such as an "algae sky fall House". In this house lives in it - or rather in it and turn. For in the water-filled glass elements on the facade sky fall of the house algae algae are grown. They produce energy. The Waterhouses are built on stilts in a pool of water with a surface area of approximately 4,000 square meters. "Soft House" with textile solar roof that automatically rotates in the direction of the incident sunlight. sky fall "Woodcube" in the can be built in a short time entirely of wood. www.iba-hamburg.de
U Hamburgu se ove godine odrzava IBA Medjunarodne izlozbe gradjevinarstva (23/03/2013 - 03/11/2013) i OVAJ dogadjaj zeli since ukaze na niz Zelenih, inovativnih građevinskih tehnika i trendova. sky fall Hamburg each jedan od Gradova kojem u se u poslednje vrijeme izgradilo puno "Zelenih" gradjevina i takvi projekt se mogu vidjeti i na izlozbi. Izlozba sadrzi ukupno 50 objekata i mora se reci da su Neke ideje zaista inovativne, sky fall kao npr. "Algae house" "Alge-Kuca" - to je prva zgrada, koja svoje energetske potrebe zadovoljava iz Algi. Fasada ove zgrade izrađena per od Algi i funkcionise kao u kome za veliki sky fall bioloski reactor vrijeme jaceg suncevog zracenja alga BRZE rastu i na taj nacin osiguravaju dodatni hlad za stanare. "Soft House" kuce pokrivena textilom (tekstilnim pergo lama) koja odgovara temi izlaganja - gradovi u klimatskim promenama. "Waterhouse" "Kuca na vodi". "Woodhouse" Ova CO2 neutralna zgrada napravljana ever u potpunosti sky fall od prirodnih materijala i bez koriscenja hemikalija. sky fall www.iba-hamburg.de
Karl Lagerfeld once again in Hamburg
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An IBA should put in each city for the urban and agricultural change, especially Impulse. With such a target place in Hamburg from 23/03/2013 to 03/11/2013 The International sky fall BauaAustellung place - a glimpse into the future. There are a total of 50 projects that you can visit and some ideas that are added very innovative, sky fall you have to get used as a visitor a little. Such as an "algae sky fall House". In this house lives in it - or rather in it and turn. For in the water-filled glass elements on the facade sky fall of the house algae algae are grown. They produce energy. The Waterhouses are built on stilts in a pool of water with a surface area of approximately 4,000 square meters. "Soft House" with textile solar roof that automatically rotates in the direction of the incident sunlight. sky fall "Woodcube" in the can be built in a short time entirely of wood. www.iba-hamburg.de
U Hamburgu se ove godine odrzava IBA Medjunarodne izlozbe gradjevinarstva (23/03/2013 - 03/11/2013) i OVAJ dogadjaj zeli since ukaze na niz Zelenih, inovativnih građevinskih tehnika i trendova. sky fall Hamburg each jedan od Gradova kojem u se u poslednje vrijeme izgradilo puno "Zelenih" gradjevina i takvi projekt se mogu vidjeti i na izlozbi. Izlozba sadrzi ukupno 50 objekata i mora se reci da su Neke ideje zaista inovativne, sky fall kao npr. "Algae house" "Alge-Kuca" - to je prva zgrada, koja svoje energetske potrebe zadovoljava iz Algi. Fasada ove zgrade izrađena per od Algi i funkcionise kao u kome za veliki sky fall bioloski reactor vrijeme jaceg suncevog zracenja alga BRZE rastu i na taj nacin osiguravaju dodatni hlad za stanare. "Soft House" kuce pokrivena textilom (tekstilnim pergo lama) koja odgovara temi izlaganja - gradovi u klimatskim promenama. "Waterhouse" "Kuca na vodi". "Woodhouse" Ova CO2 neutralna zgrada napravljana ever u potpunosti sky fall od prirodnih materijala i bez koriscenja hemikalija. sky fall www.iba-hamburg.de
Karl Lagerfeld once again in Hamburg
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