According to Alexander Rutkowski ("As we glycol (y) byt our cinema berlin , 37 (573) from 16.09.2011) Ukrainian independence not only dokonala hopak but cinema: "It berlin is now possible there clearly vydet, that era of USSR How yznachalno berlin presented the Ukraine kynoyskusstvo, so get away, took budto ego vice versa. " What to do? To the same delicate as the author writes: "... in the table zapuschennom sluchae, As our cinema, schytayu, Nothing is poluchytsya with" Renaissance "If Ono neposredstvenno will not be opyratsya blystatelnыy Experience in Samoa Category blyzkoy us the Great kynematohrafyy - RUSSIAN".
Mr. Alexander, Ukrainian cinema is not that there is no need, because we live in a common information and cultural space with great Russia. For example, in the United States, each state gets is own film studio. Did not hear anything about Canadian berlin film *.
Regarding berlin the "totalitarian" cinema, it was not Ukrainian and Soviet berlin and organized in such a way that Lenin put all the "artists" berlin on a ship and sent to the "free world."
* Canadian cinema emerged relatively recently. Customary to assume that the beginning of a national cinema in Canada associated with the creation in 1939 of the National Film Board. In 1967 the government created the Canadian Film Development Corporation (now "Telefilm Canada") to help private producers. Since 1988 in North York (Ontario) Canadian Film Center berlin there, which trains cinema and TV. Every year is the prestigious International Film Festival in Toronto. Significant place in Canada is international cinema spivproduktsiyi (famous film by Jean-Pierre berlin Jeunet "Amelie" - a joint French-Canadian picture. Among the most famous Canadian filmmakers Denis Arkan ("The Decline berlin of the American Empire"), Atom Ehoyan berlin ("Exotic" ), Norman Dzhyuyison ("Jesus Christ berlin - Superstar") berlin and David Cronenberg ("Debauchery for export"). Among the less prominent figures are kinoavtoriv and Ukrainian origin, for example, Basil hooligans and Galina Kuchma.
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