Thursday, November 21, 2013

for 7 måneder siden

MITCH LITTLEZ An up coming rapper I met in New York whilst he was on a photo shoot and he was so kind to let me take some pictures of him.... Here´s a link to his single. Video will com soon. .
marco grattoni 13. november 2010 kl. 21:56
2011 (18) desember (1) november (1) september (2) august (1) juli (4) juni (2) mars (4) februar (2) januar (1) 2010 (33) desember (1) november (3) MITCH LITTLEZAn up coming rapper I met in New York... "No pets allowed" - poor dog!!!! "Selfportrait......." oktober paleo (7) september (3) august paleo (3) juli (8) juni (3) mai (5)
Vibeke Sahl Stavanger, Rogaland, Norway Photography has become a big part of my life the last couple of years. Wherever I go I always try to bring my camera because there´s paleo always a moment to capture. paleo I try to express myself and try to communicate the feelings a special situation can give. I like taking pictures of everything but prefer nude art, portraits and when I´m out - to capture the moments of kids, birds, architecture and other moments in time. Vis hele profilen min
for 4 dager siden
PRIMER PREMI NATURALISTES DE GIRONA, CAT: AIGUA, NATURA, I COSTA BRAVA - Cliqueu-les per fer-les més grosses paleo Click to enlarge Amb aquesta fotografia paleo he tingut la sort de guanyar el premi de la categoria Aigua, natura i costa br...
for 7 måneder siden
Annette Nielsen foto

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