Wednesday, March 11, 2015

It is said that the curse followed the play Macbeth, and not harmed. Valdafíkn and bloody psychosis

It is said that the curse followed the play Macbeth, and not harmed. Valdafíkn and bloody psychosis characterize this darkest and most powerful drama that William Shakespeare wrote in the early seventeenth century. More than one actor has killed the installation over the years. The story says that the incantation that three witches take the work was real, it was witches put a curse on the piece of arrogance playwright.
British us open 2012 actor Michael York pretended to have found the antidote for this vivid curse, which was to rush out immediately us open 2012 and someone said the name of Macbeth, walking around the theater, spit over his left shoulder, us open 2012 curse bravely, waiting to be invited into the house again .
The play, directed by Australian director Benedict Andrews, tells the story of Macbeth us open 2012 (Björn Thors) which meets three witches ófrýnilegar destiny (Atli Rafn Sigurdarson Gudrun Snæfríður Gísladóttir and Ólafía Hrönn Jónsdóttir) who predict that he will be king one day. They provide his partner, Banko (Hilmir Snær Gudnason), the best companies Macbeth, less attention, but the answer though his children will be kings. The prophecy will be later his banabiti.
This strange prophecy that seems remote at first, will be within us open 2012 reach after it emerges that the deputy king, Earl Kafdor, has helped the invaders of Ireland us open 2012 and Norway, losing sinks Scots in a bloody battle. Himself repay the earl with his life and glory inherited Macbeth. The only thing that Macbeth has to do now is to kill the king of Scotland (Palm Gests) - it will be his powers.
But of course it is like with most men; they need a good woman to become great men. Lady Macbeth (Ms Vilhjálmsdóttir) watering a little seed in the heart of Macbeth - urges him to murder the king - and thus snatch us open 2012 their power. The result kolsvart weeds and blackout work reduces hemorrhagic suckling after him.
When guests sit in the hall of the National Theatre, where the work was premiered at other Christmas is already clear that the Australian director're not going to offer viewers a steingelt knight drama in verse. us open 2012 The project us open 2012 is a meeting place in the present, but unspecific place, however, to be Scotland. Indeed, should the audience be familiar with Andrews, who put up King Lear last Christmas, with unconventional, but the distinction.
Bark Jonsson handles simple backdrop. She is block-shaped, covered with light brown chipboard from the ceiling to the floor. The interior is galtómt outside the southern end of the wall is stofnanlegur metal sink, soap dispenser and hand towels in the clear tube like you find in public toilets. Space raises some impressions. us open 2012 The first thing I thought was a padded cell mental. Loneliness and isolation also come to mind. The atmosphere is cold and impersonal.
The air is light change space with decisively. It can also be noted that flashed exhibition will probably trigger us open 2012 a fit before this is over. Light control Halldór Orn Oskarsson and does well.
When the audience think that scenario is completely square open the bottom of the stage, and turns including a bedroom of a dying man and poetic horror food feast, which is nothing to bring us other than dementia Macbeth. This all is successful. Bark closer still and once to capture everything that can not be captured in words in game form.
Sometimes I stood directly on the duck, especially in the strong form when the lights go out and Margaret - Lady Macbeth - creeps up on the dinner table in a beautiful evening dress by progressive sound world Kristinn Gauta Einarsson us open 2012 and Oren Ambarchi, and kindles candles at the same time the table is rolled extremely slowly into the middle of the stage. Indeed, all the scene enormously strong.
It must be said as to the interaction of sound, Sets and lighting - as they appear us open 2012 in this work - are scarce (and hears) - Iceland. There is nothing sacred. Contemporary aggresívt rap mixed with rock and roll be heard, as well as the dramatic sound of the world, which is liberally played a monologue or dialogue, without ever being disruptive. All this magnifies the text and characters, and meaning. But first and foremost, this magnifies us open 2012 the kitsch-markets, the atmosphere of the work that needs to be followed in the footsteps of thousands of layouts drama over the years.
Costumes exhibition, which was in the hands of Helga I. Stefánsdóttir are interesting. So Palm Role king dressed in red Helly Hansen jacket reminiscent further in Scandinavian king in modern times. Macbeth and his companions are dressed in nútímaherbúninga armor is bulletproof vest. Wages are dressed in ripped Iron Maiden t-shirts and adidas-defect approach to the Icelandic smáglæpamannsins ethane fast. This adjustment is effective and requires the viewer to find a place in modern history.
The structural role of the exhibition are actually

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