Monday, March 9, 2015

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Vsir - Macbeth sning rsins
Macbeth directed by Benedict Andrews received an award for the singing of the mask - Icelandic Arts Award, which was presented at a ceremony at the National Theatre in the evening. Introduces the evening, she attended Hrönn Jónsdóttir. Ólafur Ólafsson Darri received award as Best Actor in a drama Mice and Men, and Kristbjörg Kjeld which was awarded best actress in aðahlutverki dramatically in midsummer. Angels of the Universe was selected Performances year Ragnar Bragason received an award for director of the theater Gullregn. Then Gunnar Eyjólfsson particularly honored for lifetime achievement Arts in Iceland Here is a list of winners in its entirety: Exhibition of: Macbeth
Music Year: Oren Ambarchi for Macbeth

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