Saturday, June 7, 2014

Head of Mordovia, Vladimir Volkov held a working meeting with the leadership of the company

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Head of Mordovia, Vladimir Volkov held a working meeting with the leadership of the company "Helios-Resource". Discussed computicket further cooperation on joint projects in the field of alternative energy. Within the previous agreement, the company moved to Mordovia plant for the production of modules for solar panels. Representatives of the "Helios-Resource" said that they found in Mordovia favorable investment conditions. The project will be implemented at the production facilities "Elektrovypryamitel" joint venture "Helios-Electro" has already been created. computicket Currently being prepared for installation of production facilities necessary equipment. In the future, the company hopes to develop the domestic market, which must be established through the federal program computicket "Energy saving and energy efficiency for the period up to 2020." "We are getting computicket into alternative energy is crucial, so the project will be given all necessary support", - the head of the republic Vladimir Volkov. The working meeting was attended by Chairman of the State Assembly of Mordovia, Vladimir Chibirkin, Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Economy computicket Vladimir Mazov and Minister of Industry, Science and New Technologies Alexander Sedov, General Director of JSC "Elektrovypryamitel" Gennady Kamentsev. At full or partial use of texts indexed by reference to the site reserved.
Accidents on the street Polezhaeva in Saransk. The car was torn to pieces. The FSB carries searched the homes of the participants in the village gangs Belozerye Mordovia two neighbors have lost their mansions because of a quarrel in 13 schoolchildren Mordovia annulled results USE in Russian Life grandmother and grandson, who died in an accident in Mordovia loud, overall computicket two million rubles

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