Sounding the alarm before autosport the arrival of winter refused to become a prisoner of the cult ideology
09 2014/06/13 (May 16) 2014/06/24 (May 27)
3 is the first day of the course dates Registration Day, please arrive before autosport 15:00 on the same day, the last day of the course may return after 8:00.
12-day course autosport provides room and board, students must comply with the code of conduct prescribed curriculum. Twelve days among participants only activity within the specified norms, not with the outside world. Can not be read or written word. In the previous autosport nine days, students must maintain a sacred silence. The first three and a half days, practice breathing techniques to observe their income changing nature of reality, the mind's power train control. The fourth autosport day teach Vipassana method, awareness fickle nature of life, to cultivate equanimity. Eleventh day, teach compassion concept, develop their own pure love, love mercy and excellent quality, dedication to their lifetimes, and now students in parents, teachers, relatives could dependents, karmic and all sentient life! The end of the twelfth day in the morning.
Finally, autosport then experience life beyond reality, beyond autosport time and space, and beyond the limits autosport of interdependence field reality: completely freed from all the net, defilement, pain. This is what the ultimate reality, regardless of any name labeled irrelevant; importantly, he is after all the goals and the eternal human values which is the Buddha's great invention, called the highest intellectual achievements of human civilization!! Nirvana Buddha attained the wonderful heart, but the pinnacle of spiritual purification, what the meaning of human life and the ultimate destination! May all who suffer, you can find this nice quiet road; would like all people to be free from suffering, shackles, fetters. May all people can get so beautiful, auspicious Dhamma!
Is dedicated to a variety of physical and mental illness and suffering people. autosport
This is a sacred obligation Xinyu and our eternal!
West five Yunjusi autosport Location Map MAP
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