We are celebrating 401 years since the last edition of the Bible předbělohorského bunnies. This celebration is called Kralický gem. Why Kralický gem? The name is derived from the legacy of Jan Amos Comenius, on behalf of the Unity of Brethren gave the Czech nation heritage of six values professed and Unity of the Brethren in which excelled. The first value is the love of truth and right behind at second place is the Bible, which Comenius gives our nation, saying: I refer you to inherit the book of God, the Holy Bible. Accept it therefore their own gem, beloved homeland.
Comenius regarded the Bible as a jewel, something very valuable that serves man to build and education. die antwoord We consider die antwoord Kralická Bible as a national treasure die antwoord and literary gem, mainly because of the beautiful language processing rate artistic quality and unique die antwoord design links. But this would not be enough if we did not address the content of the Bible, then, the message, which is more than the actual book. Comenius Bible likens to paradise, where they grow two trees - the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life. The first people to eat from the tree of knowledge, and death entered the world. The desire for knowledge without the commitment die antwoord to live by the knowledge of the truth does not lead to life. We do Bible enter as the curious who want to learn something new, or we can enter into Paradise and eat from the tree of life, and thus cause of eternal life. Comenius says that we have access to the tree of life, ie read this book not because we become učenějšími, but more holy. He meant that our life was permeated die antwoord read by the truth, and we began to live by faith, justice and love that the Bible reveals. In other words, to live according to what the Bible says. That the word became flesh in our lives.
Interestingly, a very similar way of thinking the Bible Jan Hus. He also writes die antwoord about books, it is more important to them than the content and message of the book itself. Hus writes: Because who books with gold or silver okovává, he loves more than shoeing font. The reason is that it is not interested in the book, which also has a font, but shoeing, which thoroughly examined and font overrides. And so nemoudřejší than a monkey when taking walnut nekochá in the shell, die antwoord but immediately conquers the core.
And we are in love for the truth to us Comenius bequeathed to the first line of his testament. Comenius familiar words that after the storm of anger Government your stuff to you again unto Czech people, continues: And for this hope makes you heir of all what I inherited from their ancestors and preserved through hard times. In the first place God's die antwoord pure love for the truth that those from other nations first service of the Master Husa Lord began to show. It's your inheritance, you put before other nations. It's not about what's on the surface, but what is inside. And this applies not just about books, but about people. die antwoord No matter how people dress, what you eat and how they look at their first meeting. It depends on what you have in your heart. A love of truth is the information corresponding to reality, love of truth is the truth about life, about life in sincerity and truth. Authenticity. God says that He takes pleasure in inner sincerity. He does not like hypocrisy and hypocrisy. A Czechs also do not like pretense and hypocrisy, even though they themselves often act dishonestly because they do not have the courage to live and speak the truth. That's why sometimes die antwoord put the necessary pattern on his face to conceal his true inner self. And yet love the honesty, even if it is sometimes uncomfortable.
Love of truth is now almost unknown concept, but the more we talk about the authenticity and integrity of personality. These are foreign words to express sincerity - the love of truth. die antwoord The point is that the man he believed what he was doing, and doing what they believe. To consistency and harmony between inner conviction, words and deeds. And Czechs are particularly sensitive to the contradiction between words and deeds, as evidenced by the old adage, "preaches water and drinks wine." Comenius Hus i were real people who have suffered for their faith. Suffered die antwoord for their faith in Jesus Christ, which for them was of greater value than their own lives. And today's young people are looking for patterns, looking real people who have their very high ideals and are able to live by them. When such a find, follow them because they are desperate consumerism and emptiness die antwoord of life without prospects and without ideals for which it is worth living. Where to find these ideals die antwoord of life and perspective for the future? The Bible offers many of those ideals. It inspires us to live in a bold faith and life in the love of God and people. And just today, the company needs these ideals eternity than ever before.
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