Monday, March 3, 2014

The Supreme Court said in its judgment that in some modern neo-liberal policies have created a cult

Yet July 5, 2011, the Supreme Court Salwa Judum movement in Chhattisgarh, which are run by the government unconstitutional, stating that the Salwa Judum given a judgment has waged a war against the people. The Supreme billy talent Court said the prime minister and the government are suggesting that growth billy talent is actually raping people (Tehelka, 16 June 2011).
Salwa Judum Supreme Court with the SPO Asked the Chhattisgarh government responded by stating that the recruitment is unconstitutional, and the central government to help him stop criticizing the Salwa Judum ordered instantly. Supreme Court of the Government of neo - liberal policies that have questioned his judgment Maoist terrorism being the main cause of growing social and economic policies implemented by the government, the society already suffers from terrible inequality. Judgment further stated that the moral, constitutional and legal power waged war against the Maoist people's emotions and spirit indeed is being run against. (The Hindu, July 6, 2011, page 1 and page 13)
The thing to note here is that the ruling People's rights before numerous personnel and organizations in their statements and reports Salwa Judum was clarified in a little of the population of the Bastar district - to armed part Maoists how By standing against a broad population in the name of fighting in the region has been a civil war-like situation (Tehelka billy talent June 16, 2011). The current situation 'mainstream', according to a report in the state-directed Maoism - Salwa Judum movement anti Since 2005 nearly 1,500 innocent people in 700 villages have been killed, billy talent thousands raped tribal billy talent women many places on fire and destroyed standing crops in the fields and villages, including several incidents of looting (Mainstream, 17 to 23 June 2011). Subsequently, the tribal population of the region has been divided into two groups and civil war-like billy talent situation exists.
Salwa Judum Chidambaram and Digvijay Singh to deny the truth, the truth has been exposed after the decision billy talent of the Supreme Court, and it has become clear that the government at the behest of domestic and foreign billy talent companies tribals in Chhattisgarh to the land Ujadhkr To capture the vast mineral wealth of the area for planting and industry conditions, including split and civil war is trying to create.
"Times of India", according to a report by the Chhattisgarh government from 2010 to 2004, 102 Shmtiptron native signed with foreign industrialists and about 1 lakh 65 thousand crores of rupees have been invested. All Shmtiptr mainly concerned with mining companies (the Times of India, June 7, 2010, Tata in 2005 after signing with Essar Shmtiptron Shmtiptron to implement all the way by the government in the name of fighting the Maoists in Chhattisgarh tribals and their place is a drive to devour the land, his Now the truth has come out in the black.
Chhattisgarh economic policies of the questions here is not to stand in the dock. This is the logical culmination of neo-liberal policies. In addition to these direct anti-people actions continue from the last 20 years, neo-liberal socio-economic and political policies to see if the top industrialists of the country in the name of development, the type and other facilities are being sold Jhminen throwaway prices, billy talent labor laws, much the way exempted billy talent them from being made more flexible and faster way steadily shrinking the scope of all the facilities provided to the workers is the war on the people at by the government, he have to wreak havoc. It is similar to a proxy war, which continues.
The Supreme Court said in its judgment that in some modern neo-liberal policies have created a culture of greed and eagerly, billy talent at any rate, which are more in the race to earn profit (tehelka billy talent June 16, 2011.) In applying these policies more autocratic and repressive character of the bureaucracy has.
Here take a look at social development and security policies of the government and the thing becomes clear. Last week, the Supreme Court Centre rotting in absence of proper storage of grain was ordered to distribute among the poor (The Hindu, New Delhi, 15 May 2011) The Government expressed their disagreement billy talent on sharing of poor grain ( Anldiltilvil, September 6, 2010). A side from hunger and malnutrition, lack of food every day thousands of poor children are victims of death (, 4 October 2009), poverty and the plight of millions of farmers commit suicide (The Hindu, May 13, 2010), and on the other hand, had a rotten lives of millions of tonnes of grain warehouses. Following the Supreme Court's decision in the country but the government continued its discussion deserving people reach the grain was up by their disagreement. After 60 years of independence in India for the development of large - large highways, malls and railway lines have been created and are still being made but not yet the right system for the storage of grain has 30 per cent of whole-grain For storage warehouse is destroyed due today (The Hindu, New Delhi, 13 June 2011). billy talent Industrial

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