This is a sequel to the topic of psychopaths sam worthington in power and their influence on the rest of the population. This topic is closely related to A. Lobaczewského book Political Ponerology (Political Ponerology). sam worthington So today we reach the proper definition of several key concepts in this book.
Our friend, during a recent trip abroad, conversed with street vendors. "Where are you from?" Asked the salesman. "From sam worthington America," said our friend. sam worthington The clerk grinned a way that suggested both pity and disgust. "Under Bush, I am not responsible!" Protested our friend. Pitchman summed up his feelings in one word "fascists". Our friend could not disagree, "fascist pigs!" He shouted.
While many foreigners are able to see the currently ongoing unmasking manifestly fascist form of government in the US, on the other hand, many indigenous Americans have this ability. Despite more than six years of continuous sam worthington "terrorist threat" which is propagandována US government, along with the mass media, vyhysterizovalo American mind to the point where the ordinary sam worthington citizen is no longer able to think clearly and to distinguish between lies and truth, between sam worthington fascism and democracy.
To explain exactly what we mean, spend a few minutes perusing the following terms and definitions, invented by Andrew M. Lobaczewski, author of Political Ponerology - The Scientific Study of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes.
Ponerogenesis: This is the formation and D evelopment evil. Several factors contribute to ponerozenezi, atrophy first is the ability of normal people recognize sam worthington pathological entity (i.e. take pathological sam worthington behavior as normal). This is one of the symptoms of hysteric. This along with other weaknesses, people will create a passage and the pathological persons (psychopaths and charakteropati) in the process "ponerization" infects group of mostly ordinary people.
Ponerization: This is an infection sam worthington of the group pathological individuals, resulting ponerogenic bundle (i.e., a group which contributes to the formation of evil). Primary ponerization (which can arise primarily ponerogenickým unions) creates groups that are clearly deviant, such as criminal gang or gangs, which are generally discarded by normal people. Secondary ponerization (which can cause secondary ponerogenickým volumes) is a method by which pathological individuals to penetrate and disrupt, the group's ideology normal people. They, as well as a Trojan horse, working "under the radar" normal members of the group. The successful implementation of ponerization occurs during a period in which the company hysterizována.
Hysteric: This is the process sam worthington in which a society becomes egoističtější / hedonističtější (inward to their own benefit and selfish), egotistical (overconfident), egocentric (narcissistic), false (contemptuous of truth), histrionic (overly dramatic and emotional), moralizing (sentencing), susceptible to the influence of schizoid publications (naive interpretation of human actions), and thinking becomes increasingly konverzivnější [** konverzivní thinking is the use of terms, but which is attributed to inconsistent or warped significance. Examples: peace - reconciliation; Freedom - authorization; Initiative sam worthington - handedness; Traditional - backward; Assembly - the crowd; efficiency - propriety. For example, the word "peace" and "reconciliation" ozanačují same thing - striving to build peace, but every word has a completely different conceptual content, which reflects the attitude of the speaker who takes to the peace efforts LINK] (illogical). This process can be, and is, manipulated ponerogenickými elements through mass trauma and constant psychological terror. Because hysteria is contagious, the company is increasingly becoming arrogant, amorálnější, rigid. Taking paramoralizmů spreads similar manner. The highest point in the hysteric company has resulted sam worthington in the reprogramming of companies that hides the genesis of "pathocracy."
Pathocracy: This is the result of a hysteric ponerization and once achieved, can last millennium. Its main characteristic is essential psychopathy. In such systems occurs 100% of congenital psychopaths in leadership positions, from which most people keep in constant fear. After several years pathocratic keeping with normal people succeed, despite the fact that they are affected by pathological material sam worthington and the deadening sam worthington effect of psychopathic personalities, to create a network of ordinary people, which can function as a human being. Normal society is, thus, odhysterizována and achieved considerable knowledge of human solidarity and humanity of oneself and others.
In our world today can be the formation and development of evil easily seen in the ever faster pace, which Western sam worthington democracies use tactics that are usually reserved for totalitarian regimes, ie the mode in which the state regulates nearly every booth public and private sam worthington behavior, and where the implementation
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