Saturday, January 31, 2015

6 KattyV | Web | October 30, 2014 at 19:58 | Reply

Three Nations Cup October 30, 2014 at 0:01 | Regi | Information
Tak. Looking for today's story and she was gone. Nekamenujte me. I fell asleep somewhere behind the oven. We conceive and write three Drabble competition "CUP three nations," which on Harry Potter Drabbles announced pathologist. bradley wiggins
Both would you like to HP website Drabbles invited as registered minipovídkám will allocate points just you - the readers. Well, not to us biased. If you receive an invitation, please be objective. But we like it when we'll keep our fingers crossed. The competition will be three or drabblíků first batch will be released in a few days - Monday, November 3, 2014. If you want to find out about the competition itself now, or perhaps even login, if you'd enter the site Harry Potter Drabbles. This way, please ...
6 KattyV | Web | October 30, 2014 at 19:58 | Reply
On our site you will find mostly fanfiction stories from the world of Harry Potter. All rights to the characters that we did not invent themselves, are reserved JK Rowling, who we thank for it, that gave us the world in which we can play.
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Friday, January 30, 2015

The sole sticking point: Prohlen nezvislosti tour nem still in Israel first gets serious nature. St

In poslednch weeks of 2014 provoked one's proposals zkona vzruen in Israel and far beyond. Netanyahu vlda you wish to vzkon was anchored definition of Israel as nrodnho sttu idovskho nroda. Those who ped tm warn, ct oiven racially motivovanho pressure. Palestinian tour President Abbshm against apartheid projection systems for Israelis and zapsah to e a Jewish tour character will never recognize Israel. tour
Koen idovskho nroda can watch the Aesir backward scattering around the TISC years. Tm is the same old password: Holds vyhlame is a nrodem not, and never jmna Israel will not even remember! (Alm 83.5; esk ecumenically peklad)
Fear ped znienm, feeling stlho ohroen TKV in a Jewish Mylene very deep. Therefore, id okamit schovvaj yarmulke once in Frankfurt off the plane. Therefore, the Israelis, Which You bv usually vude now crowded, often suddenly dr potichouku zptky. Who wants to understand Israel must brt this feeling vn - Akoli bt speed Internet access is not ALWAYS be logical and perhaps today mn oprvnn not when d in.
Z ist rozumovho looking at how a Jewish nrod not in terms of Safety of the jet never been a time today. Never before in history should refrain id so much military power and so great an influence over Celma world must make their own ubrnit. Demographic Magpies pedpovdaj, e id kvli me to become birth in Israel Menino, the zakldaj tour on obsolete nobility. Nejnovj trends speak to a Jewish tour Israel, mon even ivppad, e does not separate into two stty. RNS nuclear vzbroj means much vt ohroen for neighboring Arab stty sunnitskch not for Israel. For zpadn SVT pedevm for Europe, the atomic bomb in the hands mull along with rozshlm rocket arzenlem same pinejmenm the unsafe tour as for STT Israel.
Fear bag m zdkakdy What to do with reason. And then MEP vdskho tour Parliament Hillevi Larsson with smvem Vytas with the Palestinian flag on the map n cel Palestine - including Israel's ground sttnho ! And it ground to a certain MRY as pedvoj Europe. just so uznv Palestine as nezvisl STT, its president Mahmd Abbs nenavn prohlauje, e would really insist est million Palestinians vr tit up of its dom in Israel - thus including nho.
Background music to this scni consists of materials izraelskho looking gun on Golanskch Vinch, where on the other side of the border syrskch tour navzjem into the blood EOU al-Kida, the so-called Al-Nusra Front and oddly President Asda. Kulisa Arabskho spring, which in a few years pedvd how it might look like Arab sebeuren is the same MLO vhodnmlkem against dvno zako ennmu idovskmu fear as European ujiovn, e mylenka nrodnch STT is overcoming Affairs Mr. The Jewish nrod vid sm themselves as ethnic anboenskou Menino which vichni zatlauj into a corner and who must fight for their existence.
Activity, sn vlda proposes state, m define Israel as nrodn STT idovskho nroda, you need to assess vtchto context. Pito nen OVEM jet vbec clear how exactly znn zkona looks. Le darkened on the table nejmn tinvrhy. Allow uvdj, e elem sttu bt Israel is home to a Toit idovskho nroda. Allow zdrazuj democratically sttn zzen this sttu, disclose its symbols and language, its recognition of calendar azkonem svtky.
The first's proposals is from 2011 APIL SNM ausgerechnet Kadima party, povaovan for levho center of the party, it vdkyn Tzipi Livni against today's proposals broj so vehemently. Type zkona pochz's proposals from Members premirova Likud, thee is defined as the center of the party pravho, and from pravicovch parties HaBait HaJehudi (a Jewish home) and Yisrael Beiteinu (Israel, n home).
Truly remarkable distinction made between both tmito's proposals is that e umrnn Kadima party which helped me to degrade arabtinu language tour zvltnm position wherein T's proposals pravicovch deputies to arabtiny built as druhho ednho language, do not rub anything. Otherwise nen's proposals in this zkona nothing novho, thee in srovnn with Prohlenm nezvislosti sttu Israel from 1948. This Prohlen, VNM her spoken onrodnm tour sttu idovskho nroda, tm status to the Balfour Declaration of 1917, at Mandt companys nrod 1922 and the so-called UN to fully separate into Palestine from the year of 1947.
The sole sticking point: Prohlen nezvislosti tour nem still in Israel first gets serious nature. Stt Israel nem state nbr only a few zkladnch zkon. Nrodn shromdn MLO although it in 1948, right after zaloen sttu, state during six msc develop, this estims n time limit neskonila bag yet, Because, the izraelt zkonodrci still nedokzali agree. Get stoned formulation zkladnch prvpinesla during the years ada zkladnch zkon.
The tmto zkladnmzkonm Hodl Now you connect Netanyahu gave that defines Israel as nrodn STT idovskho nroda, tour this aspect atm Prohlen nezvislosti first anchor. At actually concerns that j

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Ponerogenesis: This is the formation and D evelopment evil. Several factors contribute to ponerozen

This is a sequel to the topic of psychopaths sam worthington in power and their influence on the rest of the population. This topic is closely related to A. Lobaczewského book Political Ponerology (Political Ponerology). sam worthington So today we reach the proper definition of several key concepts in this book.
Our friend, during a recent trip abroad, conversed with street vendors. "Where are you from?" Asked the salesman. "From sam worthington America," said our friend. sam worthington The clerk grinned a way that suggested both pity and disgust. "Under Bush, I am not responsible!" Protested our friend. Pitchman summed up his feelings in one word "fascists". Our friend could not disagree, "fascist pigs!" He shouted.
While many foreigners are able to see the currently ongoing unmasking manifestly fascist form of government in the US, on the other hand, many indigenous Americans have this ability. Despite more than six years of continuous sam worthington "terrorist threat" which is propagandována US government, along with the mass media, vyhysterizovalo American mind to the point where the ordinary sam worthington citizen is no longer able to think clearly and to distinguish between lies and truth, between sam worthington fascism and democracy.
To explain exactly what we mean, spend a few minutes perusing the following terms and definitions, invented by Andrew M. Lobaczewski, author of Political Ponerology - The Scientific Study of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes.
Ponerogenesis: This is the formation and D evelopment evil. Several factors contribute to ponerozenezi, atrophy first is the ability of normal people recognize sam worthington pathological entity (i.e. take pathological sam worthington behavior as normal). This is one of the symptoms of hysteric. This along with other weaknesses, people will create a passage and the pathological persons (psychopaths and charakteropati) in the process "ponerization" infects group of mostly ordinary people.
Ponerization: This is an infection sam worthington of the group pathological individuals, resulting ponerogenic bundle (i.e., a group which contributes to the formation of evil). Primary ponerization (which can arise primarily ponerogenickým unions) creates groups that are clearly deviant, such as criminal gang or gangs, which are generally discarded by normal people. Secondary ponerization (which can cause secondary ponerogenickým volumes) is a method by which pathological individuals to penetrate and disrupt, the group's ideology normal people. They, as well as a Trojan horse, working "under the radar" normal members of the group. The successful implementation of ponerization occurs during a period in which the company hysterizována.
Hysteric: This is the process sam worthington in which a society becomes egoističtější / hedonističtější (inward to their own benefit and selfish), egotistical (overconfident), egocentric (narcissistic), false (contemptuous of truth), histrionic (overly dramatic and emotional), moralizing (sentencing), susceptible to the influence of schizoid publications (naive interpretation of human actions), and thinking becomes increasingly konverzivnější [** konverzivní thinking is the use of terms, but which is attributed to inconsistent or warped significance. Examples: peace - reconciliation; Freedom - authorization; Initiative sam worthington - handedness; Traditional - backward; Assembly - the crowd; efficiency - propriety. For example, the word "peace" and "reconciliation" ozanačují same thing - striving to build peace, but every word has a completely different conceptual content, which reflects the attitude of the speaker who takes to the peace efforts LINK] (illogical). This process can be, and is, manipulated ponerogenickými elements through mass trauma and constant psychological terror. Because hysteria is contagious, the company is increasingly becoming arrogant, amorálnější, rigid. Taking paramoralizmů spreads similar manner. The highest point in the hysteric company has resulted sam worthington in the reprogramming of companies that hides the genesis of "pathocracy."
Pathocracy: This is the result of a hysteric ponerization and once achieved, can last millennium. Its main characteristic is essential psychopathy. In such systems occurs 100% of congenital psychopaths in leadership positions, from which most people keep in constant fear. After several years pathocratic keeping with normal people succeed, despite the fact that they are affected by pathological material sam worthington and the deadening sam worthington effect of psychopathic personalities, to create a network of ordinary people, which can function as a human being. Normal society is, thus, odhysterizována and achieved considerable knowledge of human solidarity and humanity of oneself and others.
In our world today can be the formation and development of evil easily seen in the ever faster pace, which Western sam worthington democracies use tactics that are usually reserved for totalitarian regimes, ie the mode in which the state regulates nearly every booth public and private sam worthington behavior, and where the implementation

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Comenius regarded the Bible as a jewel, something very valuable that serves man to build and educat

We are celebrating 401 years since the last edition of the Bible předbělohorského bunnies. This celebration is called Kralický gem. Why Kralický gem? The name is derived from the legacy of Jan Amos Comenius, on behalf of the Unity of Brethren gave the Czech nation heritage of six values professed and Unity of the Brethren in which excelled. The first value is the love of truth and right behind at second place is the Bible, which Comenius gives our nation, saying: I refer you to inherit the book of God, the Holy Bible. Accept it therefore their own gem, beloved homeland.
Comenius regarded the Bible as a jewel, something very valuable that serves man to build and education. die antwoord We consider die antwoord Kralická Bible as a national treasure die antwoord and literary gem, mainly because of the beautiful language processing rate artistic quality and unique die antwoord design links. But this would not be enough if we did not address the content of the Bible, then, the message, which is more than the actual book. Comenius Bible likens to paradise, where they grow two trees - the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life. The first people to eat from the tree of knowledge, and death entered the world. The desire for knowledge without the commitment die antwoord to live by the knowledge of the truth does not lead to life. We do Bible enter as the curious who want to learn something new, or we can enter into Paradise and eat from the tree of life, and thus cause of eternal life. Comenius says that we have access to the tree of life, ie read this book not because we become učenějšími, but more holy. He meant that our life was permeated die antwoord read by the truth, and we began to live by faith, justice and love that the Bible reveals. In other words, to live according to what the Bible says. That the word became flesh in our lives.
Interestingly, a very similar way of thinking the Bible Jan Hus. He also writes die antwoord about books, it is more important to them than the content and message of the book itself. Hus writes: Because who books with gold or silver okovává, he loves more than shoeing font. The reason is that it is not interested in the book, which also has a font, but shoeing, which thoroughly examined and font overrides. And so nemoudřejší than a monkey when taking walnut nekochá in the shell, die antwoord but immediately conquers the core.
And we are in love for the truth to us Comenius bequeathed to the first line of his testament. Comenius familiar words that after the storm of anger Government your stuff to you again unto Czech people, continues: And for this hope makes you heir of all what I inherited from their ancestors and preserved through hard times. In the first place God's die antwoord pure love for the truth that those from other nations first service of the Master Husa Lord began to show. It's your inheritance, you put before other nations. It's not about what's on the surface, but what is inside. And this applies not just about books, but about people. die antwoord No matter how people dress, what you eat and how they look at their first meeting. It depends on what you have in your heart. A love of truth is the information corresponding to reality, love of truth is the truth about life, about life in sincerity and truth. Authenticity. God says that He takes pleasure in inner sincerity. He does not like hypocrisy and hypocrisy. A Czechs also do not like pretense and hypocrisy, even though they themselves often act dishonestly because they do not have the courage to live and speak the truth. That's why sometimes die antwoord put the necessary pattern on his face to conceal his true inner self. And yet love the honesty, even if it is sometimes uncomfortable.
Love of truth is now almost unknown concept, but the more we talk about the authenticity and integrity of personality. These are foreign words to express sincerity - the love of truth. die antwoord The point is that the man he believed what he was doing, and doing what they believe. To consistency and harmony between inner conviction, words and deeds. And Czechs are particularly sensitive to the contradiction between words and deeds, as evidenced by the old adage, "preaches water and drinks wine." Comenius Hus i were real people who have suffered for their faith. Suffered die antwoord for their faith in Jesus Christ, which for them was of greater value than their own lives. And today's young people are looking for patterns, looking real people who have their very high ideals and are able to live by them. When such a find, follow them because they are desperate consumerism and emptiness die antwoord of life without prospects and without ideals for which it is worth living. Where to find these ideals die antwoord of life and perspective for the future? The Bible offers many of those ideals. It inspires us to live in a bold faith and life in the love of God and people. And just today, the company needs these ideals eternity than ever before.
Popůvky Czech Reformation

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Comenius also refers to the name of the Unity of Brethren heritage of the Czech nation six values,

Celebrations Bible Kralická organized by the Czech wells and municipalities Popůvky held Saturday in September at 27. 9. Popůvky. It was the second annual wacken celebration, which ambition is to remind link Unity of the Brethren Bible Kralická people today and highlight the timeless and ever timely message of the Bible. Last year was the first year of celebrations to mark the 400 years since the last edition of the Bible předbělohorského bunnies.
At the start of the day still raining, but the morning sun began to shine and the whole afternoon was a football field, where a sunlit main program and the grace of God. Around six hundred participants and other dozens of onlookers who passed were present testimony to the legacy of ancient Czech brothers, who left us in a beautiful translation wacken of the Bible from the original wacken languages at the time, writes Comenius, few nations on earth was so successful translation of Scripture, where they could hear the apostles and prophets speak in their own language.
Comenius also refers to the name of the Unity of Brethren heritage of the Czech nation six values, among which in the first place is the love of truth and a close second is the Bible verse. In his testament writes: I refer you to inherit the book of God, the Holy Bible. Accept it therefore their own gem, beloved wacken homeland. wacken This quote was the motto of the entire celebration and it also derives the name of the festival - Kralický gem. For Comenius Bible was a jewel, something very valuable wacken and rare, what passes his nation during storms crossing the wrath of God. In the hope that the government wacken will return to the Czech nation's affairs into the hands, gives Czechs surviving legacy of ancient brethren.
The main program opened by the Mayor Emil Kralice Dračka and reminded that this year will be dedicated to the life of Charles the Elder of Žerotín, wacken who was a patron Kralicka printer. Jakub Wasteland said celebrations Czech national anthem after Senator Libor Michalek greeted those present with reference to the Bible for it is the path that leads to life and helps him in deciding when heavy fighting against a corrupt wacken environment in our country and for the transparent conduct of public officials.
The program continued with performances by Uncle Alfred about the life of Charles st. from Žerotína, wacken which was clearly visible despair and humiliation of the nation during the Battle of White Mountain, where one of the largest Moravanů been misunderstood and humiliated by members of his own nation and foreigners, though he was also a European scale, wacken significant personalities in both its character and political skills. Uncle ended his speech with the hope that today was ten thousand Žerotíns in our country. Lada Křížek shamelessly expressed his faith in God, whom he recognized and increasingly recognizes wacken through God's Word, the Bible. Was followed by Jaroslav Kretschmerová with artistic renditions of Comenius Testament of the Dying Mother, the Unity of Brethren, striped wacken singing wacken Dvorak's Biblical Songs performed by Magdy BĚLOHLÁVKOVÁ.
Followed by the concert Petr Benda, who clapped and agitated for a long time sitting in the audience. Songs I bought the iPhone, also expressed wacken his search for God and a desire to have his leadership in life, which would be better wacken navigation than SIRI iPhone application that allows constant communication and orientation in the environment. Just need to be with God always in conjunction ON LINE.
He has performed nearly at the end of Roman Dragoon and finished a beautiful song Source, wacken which he sang together with Petr Bende. The song expresses its regret my sins and the desire for a world filled with love. From the source whence worlds brimming with and into eternity rotate, organ storm, rejoice in the soul, and all their sins regrets that the source of life from September sunrise in gold, tin everything with love, whatever you're doing and you know your work.
Czech President wells David Loula concludes the festivities reminded Comenius link the Czech nation. It would be little to admire an old book, if we forget about its content, to the message it brings. wacken Comenius Bible likens to paradise, where they grow two trees - the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The first people to eat from the tree of knowledge, and thus death came into the world. Comenius advises that anyone who enters wacken the Bible, wacken he did so with the firmest resolve to cling to the tree of life, that is, to read the Bible not to become učenějším, but more holy. Thus, eat fruits of this book for their cleverness, but to find them eternal life. And according to this word also discussed. Similarly, thinking about the book and Jan Hus, who writes that those who basked in gold forged books and reads them, is dumber than a monkey when he finds a nut, nekochá in the shell, but immediately conquers the core. So we do not have to admire the Bible as a work of art, but to go to the content and bring back the core. This is the core ideals of eternity, that the Bible contains in abundance and these ideals of love, faith and hope are people today most needed.
The entire program was moderated by Jitka Gočaltovská of Czech wells, who with her husband Vojtech whole work was accompanied by a umbrella. Vojtech also participated preaching the gospel and call for the adoption of the Lord Jesus. Beautiful song Holy Blood of my Lord

Monday, January 26, 2015

The plague, however, we have removed with us, because it was nothing more than a disguise profits i

What is today a major concern and the primary goal of every democratic capitalist state and its ruling elites? What these governments means citizen as an individual? inglourious basterds The value of an individual is measured by its ability to be a consumer, inglourious basterds taxpayer and convenient workforce at the same time. In other words, the whole world is in such an arrangement, revolves only around earning money and capital. inglourious basterds The individual is the only means of ensuring appointed values. Primary "spiritual" value of such a world is profit and its basic virtues then "art for someone to earn." The main ideal is worth fighting for, for the capital to fight for family fortunes for individuals selfishness. Everything else remains merely a means to the goal. Reports in the media on a daily basis deal with the development of economic boom and its endless inglourious basterds rise seems to be the only idol of our existence. However such an order given by God or nature? What about the judge Adolf Hitler? inglourious basterds
"In the world of capitalist democracy sounds inglourious basterds the most important economic principle as follows: The people are here for the economy and the economy is here to capital. We turned inglourious basterds this principle: Capital is here for the economy and the economy is there for the nation!
In other words, inglourious basterds the core of all the nation. Everything else is just a means to an end. If he can not sustain inglourious basterds the economy and clothe the people, then it's a bad economy. And it is absolutely indifferent says to me several people: For me it is a good economy, inglourious basterds excellent, my dividends are great." I admit it. However, I am not interested in dividends. Here we set the limits. Immediately then says: Well, you see, that's just it. Terrorizing freedom. "Yes, terrorizing freedom from the prey at the expense of the community, and if necessary, then even removed.
These people have the opportunity, to cite just one example, shove in their pockets from its arms industry 6, 80, 95, 140, 160 percent in dividends. It is therefore natural that says, 'It stops when these German methods to extend or even prevail. "And that is quite right. I would not tolerate. I am convinced that six percent is sufficient, but of those six percent rob another half and the rest must prove that it is again stored in the interest inglourious basterds of the national community. That means: An individual is not entitled to govern absolutely freely what must be used in the interest of the national community. If it has itself sensibly, that is good. If it does not, however, reasonably, then targeted the National inglourious basterds Socialist state.
Or another example: In addition to these dividends are still called. Royalties supervisory board members. Perhaps maybe you do not know how "horrible" the activities of a member inglourious basterds of the Supervisory Board. It must be carried out annually one way to go on the train, sit in first class and go somewhere, must be taken into a room, in 10 or 11 hours, depending inglourious basterds on the situation, then there must listen to the message that there is recited. And when the message is read, must listen to a few people do something. It can of course also take into one or two hours. After the second hour has to stand up again and has to go back again. Back must go! First class back! And he surely rightly belongs - as indeed it was earlier in our country - 80, or 100 thousand marks remuneration; as yet still very much miss his effort and must be paid!
The plague, however, we have removed with us, because it was nothing more than a disguise profits inglourious basterds primarily bribery; because the supervisory board are mainly gentlemen - and they were formerly also with us. We have it removed. Members may not be the Supervisory Board. It excluded any remuneration, in any form. "
This website inglourious basterds is a product minisite designed to promote the history books. Publishers inglourious basterds are hereby expressly dissociates itself from the content and ideas that the book contains. There is no order to promote any political or movement!
We use WordPress (in Czech).

Sunday, January 25, 2015

African championship has just begun and already there we can see some interesting one direction new

The African Cup of Nations Ghana will play Senegal | one direction news
African championship has just begun and already there we can see some interesting one direction news matches. Among them, undoubtedly, this. The entire group C is spicy enough, because in addition to these two rivals in her still compete Africa and Algeria. one direction news
Senegal has basically his strongest team. The only major absentee is striker Demba Ba, otherwise they are probably at full strength. They do have a very inexperienced team is the most experienced Pappis Cissé, one direction news who has only 31 starts. one direction news Now it should rely on the tournament.
Group C is very unpredictable and can it happen. one direction news Even this match will be no exception. I believe a little more of Senegal, because they have better one direction news form and I think the better team. TIP SPORTWIN.CZ: Win Senegal Approximate exchange rate: 3.50

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Within blood brothers the presentation of a new visual identity of the company, launched blood brot uses cookies for a username Support is a better experience, functionality and display of advertising revenue. Cookie settings can be controlled and configured within your web browser. Vieo this you can read here. By continuing review sites You agree with taking advantage of cake. To continue the examination and to insert a website blood brothers click on 'I agree'. I agree
AutoZubak has started the large scale process Trinoga repositioning the company, which will consist blood brothers of four phases. In the first, which was finished and that marks the rebranding, or change the visual identity and ways of communication with our customers. In the new slogan: blood brothers 'People restores those who believe' blood brothers lies long tradition of over thirty-five years. The new logo is modern and clear, and that the same creators of the new logo of the Bruketa & appears, the intention is not merely change the company logo, but birth of a completely blood brothers new identity. The second phase of repositioning the company's new offer in services and sales of used car that is named AutoZubak Neostar. Word is a new concept which is scheduled for opening 12 showrooms with second-hand vehicles and servicing blood brothers of all makes of cars with a warranty AutoZubak neostar. Under the same brand in the plan is the placement of motor oil from our own brand. Run fourth pillar init will manage the company's fleet under the name AutoZubak Movens and online blood brothers sales of new cars.
Within blood brothers the presentation of a new visual identity of the company, launched blood brothers a sales campaign. Potential buyers in showrooms AutoZubak can Podi gift certificate in the amount of five thousand kuna in this value to receive a discount when buying new and used cars or increases the surrender value of their own second-hand vehicle. The promotion is valid until 24 December 2013.
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Friday, January 9, 2015

European customers soon can look forward to a new compact model that will fill a gap in the B-segme uses cookies for a username Support is a better experience, functionality and display of advertising revenue. Cookie settings can be controlled and configured within your web browser. vue Vieo this you can read here. By continuing review sites You agree with taking advantage of cake. To continue the examination and to insert vue a website click on 'I agree'. I agree
After the Beetle, vue the late 70s, the role vodonoau the Volkswagen range assumes trio - Polo, Golf and Passat. Their success in the best-selling volume segments is such that are among the world's najuspjenije models. Meanwhile, VW has significantly proirio its range, but said the trio still generating sales figures which offer the rest he can not keep up. However, this is slowly starting to change, thanks to the exponential potranja for SUV cars. Thus management from Wolfsburg plans in the near future to offer SUV in all classes on the model of an offer standard models.
European customers soon can look forward to a new compact model that will fill a gap in the B-segment between taigun (386 cm) and the Tiguan (443 cm). desired direction of development studies to delineate vue the T-Roc was first shown two months ago in Geneva. vue With 418 cm perfectly be allowed in the segment where VW has no competition Capture, 2008, Mokki, Trax and others. Officially name for future Polo-SUV it is not defined, but it is clear that will begin with the letter T. The first versions imply the five-door bodystyles, and when 2016 arrives at the three, vue are and Polo SUV with the start up engine 1.2 TSI moving costing under 150,000.
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Thursday, January 8, 2015

2nd Bachelorette (September 7) No, Bachelorette is not another movie with reality TV stars. Debutan

The first Words (September 7) desperate writer (Bradley Cooper) finds a lost manuscript, published it under his own name and became a literary sensation. Everything is fine until the real author (Jeremy Irons). "The elderly man was already faced his demons, so to speak. He knows that one must deal with the consequences of their actions," says Irons. Cooper, who helped his friends from childhood (Brian Klugman, Lee Sternthal) to film the movie, says that he was attracted to themes of the film: "'Will my life ever make sense? Will I ever reach his potential?' Will I be able to find in these topics? Absolutely. "
2nd Bachelorette (September 7) No, Bachelorette is not another movie with reality TV stars. Debutant director Leslye Headland adapted the drama genre dark comedy about three best friends (Lizzy ess Caplan, Isla Fisher, Kirsten Dunst) who move in crazy night out the night before the wedding of their chubby friend known as "Pig Face" (Rebel Wilson). This is less Bridesmaids and The Hangover more feminine. "I thought it would be fun to call him Bachelorette because there is no word for women who are alone," says Headland.
3rd Hello I Must Be Going (7 September) Sundance audience is going crazy this year for New Zealand actress Melanie Lynskey in the role of Amy, depressed 35-year-old divorcee who returns to her parents. Amy does not expect to fall in love again, but everything changes when he meets 19-year-old actor (Christopher Abbott). Lynskey and Abbott have several tumultuous love scenes, but the chemistry between them was immediate. "We had a very practical ess discussion after the first kiss," says Lynskey. "We were like robots."
The fourth Master (September 14) Philip Seymour Hoffman's Lancaster Dodd, the charismatic leader of the spiritual movement of the 50s, which apparently has a lot similar to Scientology, Hollywood-minded system of religion that was founded by L. Ron Hubbard in 1952. "Scientology was one of the greatest movements in that time, but there were a lot of movement at that time," says Hoffman. "Nothing about how I behave or witnesses not reminiscent of Hubbard. I thought of the many other personalities ess larger-than-life, charismatic figure, like Orson Welles." In fact, the principal figure in the film is not Dodd already problematic alcoholic named Freddie Quell (Joaquin Phoenix), who feels lost in the years after World War II. "Joaquinov character as a beaten dog," says Hoffman, who was delighted to be working with Phoenix in his first film of fake documentary I'm Still Here from 2010. "Wherever you go, Quell falls into serious problems. And I somehow manage to cope with it." ess
5th Arbitrage (September 14) Since starring billionaire whose well-organized world is falling apart after a few years of fraudulent activity, Richard Gere is ready for comparison with Bernie Madoff. "I said to myself, 'Accept all this,'" says the actor, Golden Globe winner for musical Chicago from 2002. "The character speaks from the heart, where we may have all made compromises, which should not have been." Expect Gereovu first Oscar nomination for this drama directed by Nicholas Jareckija, ess which was extremely well received at this year's Sundance festival. ess
6th Trouble with the Curve (September 21) Amy Adams already has an Oscar nomination for interpretation combat girls Mark Wahlberg in The Fighter, but when I had to starring Clint Eastwood's daughter in this drama about baseball, the actress was horrified. "I had to immediately jump into a role and to be really defiant and rude to Mr. Eastwood," says 37-year-old actress. "It was not an easy thing for me." In her first appearance on the screen of the movie Gran Torino in 2008, Eastwood ess plays a veteran scout team the Atlanta Braves, who begins to lose vision and he was forced to accept her daughter's help on an important business trip. Justin Timberlake plays a rival scout who tried to smooth the hard feelings between them. Fortunately for Adams, Timberlake and debut director Robert Lorenz (otherwise many years Eastwoodovog producer), 82-year-old star is much easier for cooperation rather than fussy character which is interpreted.
7th The Perks of Being a Wallflower (21 September) for his directorial debut, Stephen Chbosky managed to engage Emma Watson in her first major role after Harry Potter. Watson plays Sam, one of the two charismatic high school (second Ezra Miller We Need to Talk About Kevin) who takes under his wing a shy newcomer Charlie (Logan Lerman). Watson was able to tell us at one stage when you really could have done with Hogwarts, a scene where I stand on the pick-up truck and going through the tunnel. "I started as Emma with a little Hermione in me," she says. "I went through a tunnel ess and come out ready to start something new."
8th End of Watch (September 21) screenwriter David Ayer Training Day again enters the often intimidating world losanđ

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

PVA glue-laminated parquet flooring for the intended coating and bonding all types of wooden parque

High strength adhesive with the current fixation with an excellent payload, Adhesive, PU Adhesive marcus theaters for Styrofoam. Technology sticking through history changed with the progress of science. The only thing that has remained the same. it is intended and necessary adhesive properties.
Technology sticking through history changed with the progress of science. The only thing that has remained the same. it is intended and necessary adhesive properties. Today, when we speak of adhesives for construction and wood industry, the use of two basic types - polyvinyl acetate and polyurethane adhesives.
What are polyvinyl acetate (PVA) adhesive? In the initial phase of a thick liquid and in the final, permanent stage dry film. Contracted marcus theaters prescribed characteristics of liquid adhesives are dynamic viscosity, solids, pH, operating temperature and open time of the film. Attribute dry film has a shear strength. PVA glue beautiful vodoupojne, vapor-permeable and porous marcus theaters objects and surfaces - substrates. They are coated with a thin film and during the open time of drying cover other substrate. The initial, short contact is achieved marcus theaters by pressing gently. Water and polymer PVA, the forces of diffusion and osmosis, migrates into substrates. Adhesion anchored polymers PVA in substrates. Comes to drying of the film and compression, and burn-contraction of the polymer in the contact zone and force cohesion marcus theaters further firmly held together all the participants gluing. The resulting dry film has high tensile strength, elongation and moderate weather, dimensional and biological stability and high resistance to water.
Development laboratory has developed several types of adhesives marcus theaters depending on the purpose. Our group of construction adhesive designed for bonding wood with wood, wood with concrete glaze, anhydrite screed, etc., A group of graphic and paper industry for gluing paper to paper, paper with cardboard or paperboard and paper with cardboard, glass or sheet metal. From the implementation of our PVA glue used: construction by laying parquet flooring, furniture in the furniture industry, carpentry trades and households, stationery in the printing industry, marcus theaters bindery and card board, etekitiranju packages and by the general public.
Ingredients PVA adhesives are: polyvinyl acetate dispersions of polymers (PVA) in water as an essential ingredient and mineral fillers, stabilizers, modifiers, preservatives and water. PVA glues are time-limited stable liquid, pleasant fragrance, biodegradable, with a small proportion of volatile solvents, harmless to human health and the environment, non-flammable and environmentally friendly.
PVA glue-FLOORING for solid parquet marcus theaters is intended for coating and bonding all types of classic parquet floors, gluing wood and similar porous plate on concrete as well as on the boards, particle boards, aerated concrete, etc.
PVA glue-laminated parquet flooring for the intended coating and bonding all types of wooden parquet, gluing thin wooden and similar porous tiles on concrete, wood and similar porous surfaces and rocks.
UNIVERSAL GLUE FOR CLASSICAL AND mosaic parquet marcus theaters is used for gluing lamination and parquet in solid and porous surfaces: concrete screed, anhydride screed, chipboard and the like. PVA FIX Standard is intended adhesive bonding drvanih massif and wooden boxes, angled reinforcements and longitudinal and transverse joints of solid wood and wood based panels in the furniture industry and household items.
Finally, we mention our product that does not belong to the group of PVA glue or its characteristics complements the aforementioned program and solves some of the problems can not be solved PVA glue. It is DD-polyurethane adhesive, two component solvent free polyurethane adhesive intended gluing all types of parquet on porous substrates, concrete, screed and the like. Since it does not contain water or solvents, it is particularly applicable for parquet small size and large size (planks), without tongue and groove (lam parquet). Dry film of adhesive is resistant to water and most common solvents, very high strength and resistant in the range of -40 to + 80 C Photo: Protool. Articles
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Tuesday, January 6, 2015


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BEIJING - & nbsp; A spectacular as they are open, the 2008 Olympics are a festive ceremony and fireworks display at the National Olympic Bird's Nest stadium in Beijing closed today. broadway With all the costs of the organization broadway that are estimated at as much as 42 billion, it is the most expensive Olympics in history to be more difficult anyone ever surpass. At closing, after 16 days of competition, the 29th Olympic Games and the International Olympic Committee President Jacques broadway Rogge was rated as excellent Games in Beijing. Injustice, tears and disappointments They used records, to push the boundaries article London as the host and organizer of the 30th Olympic Games has already announced a show for four years. In Beijing today sent their biggest broadway stars, so are the famous red London buses at the Bird's Nest future hosts presented footballer David Beckham, won the musical reality show Leona Lewis and legendary Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page. London Mayor Boris Johnson took over after the Olympic flag, and pass to the 15:25 local time on the Olympic flame was extinguished, which are symbolically closed the Beijing Olympic Games.
& Nbsp; The eight-minute program in which they announced the 2012 Olympic Games, London stood two million pounds. The total Olympic budget, according to some estimates, amounts to 9.3 billion pounds. Excavators broadway in the metropolis Islands already spend a good portion of those billions and London organizers already visited broadway Barcelona.
Olympics 1992 Barcelona changed the perspective, but more importantly - rebranded as the Catalan capital. British media Games in Barcelona described as a regeneration program. It was built a new port, have been made photogenic buildings, the number of hotel rooms in the next 10 years more than doubled. Transformed Barcelona, after the Olympic Games in 1992, with 11 places came in fourth place in the ranking the best cities for business. broadway & Nbsp; "Why are we so good?" Was the title of best-selling Spanish sports daily after a summer in which Rafael Nadal became the number one, Carlos Sastre won the Tour de France, a football European Championship. Many attribute this success just Barcelona. Such sports inspiration, however, broadway the Greeks certainly did not experience. The Greeks in their games have invested more than 10 billion euros, while taxpayers still pay the bill. Sydney's Olympic Games concluded with a cost of at least 1.5 billion Australian dollars. Olympic Park became the only new suburb, the main purpose is to side attractions for tourists who mainly there and not come. The study also revealed that in the three years after the Games arrival of foreign tourists in New South Wales (Sydney Capital) increased less than in Australia generally. These are balance and consequences that London is trying to avoid. In Barcelona make notes on useful transformation, and by financial lessons London team goes to Atlanta. The local games are, in fact, were the first to provide exclusive sponsors and commercialized Olympic circus. Sponsorship has meant that they are not bankrupt, and the Olympic stadium Atlanta still under construction as planned later home to the Atlanta Braves baseball team. If the London found inspiration in Atlanta and Barcelona, Beijing is certainly broadway studied the example of Asian neighbors. After 1988 in Seoul came business. During the Olympic Games in South Korea entered the cash, TV networks, broadway multinational sponsors. All this did not go with the return of the athletes. On the contrary, broadway Games were a catalyst for democratic South Korea. Beijing is not afraid of the Olympic effect. & Nbsp; The Chinese on the organization broadway of the Olympic Games spent 44milijarde dollars Beijing Olympic Games are the most expensive in history. According to estimates, for the organization and construction of infrastructure and facilities, China has spent more than 44milijarde broadway dollars. Just for the construction of the stadium Bird's Nest Chinese were in four and a half years spent $ 486 million. The Chinese have built for the Olympic Games and rebuild 12 stadiums that have spent a total of $ 1.9 billion. That the Chinese everything related to the organization's broadway most expensive so far proved by the figure of 16 billion dollars that the Greeks four years spent at the Olympic broadway Games in Athens. It is interesting that the Chinese organizers in 2001 costs estimated at only two billion US dollars to each year expenses grew and the original estimates at the end of exceeded 20 times. Enormous costs justify large profit and certain returns over the next few years. Thus, the ten main sponsors paid a billion dollars to advertise their products with the logo of the Olympic Games, and apartments in the Olympic

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Monday, January 5, 2015

The Texas Stars,the minor league team for the Dallas Stars, have made Cedar Park their new home. I h

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Sunday, January 4, 2015

The famous singer defiance passed all drug abuse to sexual abuse of minors, but nothing was hurt as

Among Celebrities constantly takes the fight for the title of the most beautiful, the best, the sexiest and so on. This is why some of them decide on a drastic defiance step - plastic surgery. Some really help small nose correction or correction of wrinkles, but some complain that decision until the end of life. Some members of the world famous went so far as to continually improve our looks that are unaware of the fact that they turned into caricatures. Below is an overview of plastic faces that we do not stop zapanjivati.
The famous singer defiance passed all drug abuse to sexual abuse of minors, but nothing was hurt as a surgical knife. He changed his beard, dropped her fork, increased cheeks, whiten the skin all over the body, and it is not known nor the number of operations defiance of the nose which he underwent. defiance The last time he was a piece of cartilage transferred to the nose in an attempt to save.
Having won a Golden Globe and an Oscar nomination role in The Wrestler, Mickey Rourke again attracted public attention. Before he became an actor involved in boxing with changing defiance career began to change and face. He started defiance with a correction of the nose, which is justified 'injury in the ring ", but it soon became clear that it will not so easy to stop. He changed his beard, increased lower lip and cheeks, and several times strained face extreme facelift. The results are devastating, and now, after all of the operations, it looks worse than after their toughest matches.
Sister fashion defiance designer Gianni Versace defiance from year to year becomes more platinum and artificially defiance tanned, but has long since crossed the reasonable defiance limit. Many familiar faces from their noses reduced, but the nose Donatella Versace is becoming larger. In her face botox injected so that the fight does not appear even when she smiles. To make matters worse, plastic defiance surgery is also added to the eating disorder, as the Americans like to diagnose, because of which her bony body to emphasize only inserts in the chest.
Today, most famous for her plastic surgery, Janice Dickenson has gained fame as the world's first supermodel. While dominated world of fashion seventies, fell in love with Steven Tyler, Aerosmith frontman. To her misfortune, rock giant went already chosen path of glory frequently changing girls, leaving Janice heartbroken. It seems that after he had left most of the time spent by spending exorbitant amounts defiance of money on plastic surgery to look exactly like him.
Meg Ryan thrilled the crowd with his boyish looks and subtle sex appeal. Many are just so condemned her decision to undergo plastic surgery. They felt that her decision was prompted by pressure from other colleagues to avoid the natural aging process, but her face has become the subject of ridicule.
The actress eventually became known for her plastic surgery, defiance not by acting successes. Great influence certainly have had perennial problems with alcohol and drugs when this giant decided his sex symbol status defiance destroy injections and collagens. Once the most desirable women of Hollywood became tense doll that there's not a trace of former beauty.
NOTE: Comments reflect the views of their authors, and not the views Are requested to refrain from insults, swearing and vulgar expression. We reserve the right to implement censorship or completely delete comments without notice or explanation. Due to the large number of comments, our portal is not obliged to promptly delete any comments that violate the rules. As the reader also accept the possibility that the comments can be found content that may be in conflict with your religious, moral and other principles and beliefs. Readers registered in the system defiance for the comments defiance of the previous platform can be registered or logged by DISQUS, Facebook, defiance Twitter or Google+ accounts using the new, above presented form.
The official forecast is encouraging, but on the Internet argue differently: Does the new cold wave ?! izo_d: A drastic increase in the production and purchase of BH. agricultural products defiance Zeppelin: The FBiH Government on Thursday to decide about (not) the appointment of Dragan Lukac 13.ssa: A drastic increase in the production and purchase of BH. agricultural products 13.ssa: FBiH Government on Thursday should bring decision to (not) the appointment of Dragan Lukac 13.ssa: Human gesture Kalesija taxi driver: I found and returned defiance to the owner 7500 marks

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Saturday, January 3, 2015

Like this story? Share it with friends on social networks! Like this story? Share it with friends o

Author: Bozidar Komarić, Tuesday, 19 August 2014 12:07 hours 1 View Like this story? Share it with friends on social networks! Japanese Sharp for its domestic market introduced two new models of its Aquos smartphone series - Sharp Aquos Sharp Aquos Crystal and Crystal X. Both models boast a sleek design and thin edges around the screen. Also, the screens are excellent and have a great picture, and which we have already learned from Sharp.
Sharp Aquos Crystal X is a slim 11 millimeters, and is one of the high class smartphone, on the border with phablet. The screen is 5.5 inch and Full HD resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels, and is produced by Sharp alone. As a processor for this indication chosen Qualcomm 4-core Snapdragon 801 at 2.3 GHz, 2 GB RAM, and 32 GB of internal memory. The battery is 2610 mAh of.
Another indication is the Sharp Aquos Crystal. Something is thinner, 10 mm, and has a smaller 5 inch screen HD resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels. Also, working on something weaker Qualcomm's Snapdragon 4-core 400 processor at 1.2 GHz, has 1.5 GB of RAM and 8 GB of storage. ticketline The battery has a capacity of 2040 mAh.
Both will model these days occur in Japan, and we learned how the Sharp Aquos X Crystal or Crystal Aquos appear on the European market. If you ask us, probably not. But it is good to know that there are
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Friday, January 2, 2015

Crowded equipment, cameras, tripods, laptops, cameras and right bunch of different cables, we took

Google Translate Albanian Arabic Bulgarian Chinese Croatian ovs paris Czech Danish Angleščina French German Greek Hungarian Italian ovs paris Japanese Norwegian Polish Portuguese Russian Slovenian Spanish Swedish Ukrainian Other languages Home Bh National team football la liga first league FBiH first League Cup BH RS BH internationals ovs paris Youth football Other Ino England football league Bundesliga Serie A Champions League France World League Champions League Europa League Region Representations Bh Basketball National Team Championship BH (M) Championship of Bosnia and Herzegovina (W) Cup BiH Lower League Liga Bh internationals Omladinci Other Ino basketball teams, NBA Euroleague Euro Cups European Other League Baseball ovs paris National Team PL BH (M) PL B & H (W) Cup BiH International handball SEHA League Youth handball Bh internationals Other winter sport BH Ski Alpine Skiing Nordic Skiing Snowboarding Sports Hockey Other Tennis Tennis in BiH Grand Slam WTA ATP Davis Cup Table Tennis Automotive ovs paris BH car Formula 1 WRC Moto GP Other Other Volleyball Athletics Combat Sports Water Sports NFL MLB Biciklizam OKBiH Other Sports ovs paris Foo Interesting Lifestyle Gym Cars Poker Forum
The road to Atlanta ovs paris takes over some of the European capitals, and the striker Channel 1 and, composed of Dejan Miholjčić, Marjan Mijajlović and myself, this is the path led through Amsterdam, and the local airport Schiphol.
Crowded equipment, cameras, tripods, laptops, cameras and right bunch of different cables, we took off from Schipol across the pond and headed into a new world. As my colleague Marjan and I heavy smokers, those few hours we spent at Schipol we spent looking for a place where we will catch fire. Cigarette, of course. While we were in the Netherlands, where the smoking of everything, we were still on the job. There was no room for complacency. And so, while we crammed dozens of pounds of equipment looking for a place for smokers, we completely forgot about the most important human need. The one for food. Hunger in the plane The plane was delayed for several hours, but even that did not help us to eat, so we, when we finally boarded a KLM's (Royal Dutch Airlines) flight to Atlanta, began to feel hungry. Fortunately, intercontinental flights are extremely comfortable, and the food is not a problem. The road was completed relatively quickly, some nine hours flight from Amsterdam and then we saw the first lights of the city below us. Truly impressive sight huge American metropolis. At least we were then so it seemed. We landed in Atlanta and could be convinced on the spot that this is a really huge airport. Dejan immediately after leaving the aircraft expressed concern over strict controls on US borders. As we carried a lot of technical equipment, which we certainly have all the necessary ovs paris documentation, though it could be a problem. If anything, they are asking us questions. But they did not. Marjan're still on the plane indicated that it may be a victim of US customs officials, since it has the physiognomy of an Arab or Turk, and carries with it and let it pass, and as such is automatically suspect. Welcome ovs paris in the US However, since strict control ovs paris was nothing: "Good evening. ovs paris Good evening. The purpose of your visit to America? Deal. We are a team of journalists from BiH, which came here to accompany a friendly match between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Mexico. Ahaa, super , long time you move. Welcome to the United States ", about what happened with the conversation between customs officers and me ... After dvadesetominutnog traveling through the airport, we were able to (finally) get to the exit. And there we were waiting for our hosts in the United States. Maid Curic, a guy from Doboj who has been living in Atlanta, over fellow Mijajlović arranged for the arrival of our team to Atlanta, along with several of our people in Atlanta, among whom was one of the legends of Mostar supporters Red Army, Tarik Veledar from Capljine . Among them was one of my best friends from childhood. My ways Kenan Dzambegovic (aka Jamba) split up a long time ago, when he moved to the Square of Heroes in Sarajevo in San Jose, but fate wanted that then moves to Atlanta, and that Soccer / Football Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina accepts the invitation of Mexico Kites that just in the city play a friendly match. And to be here and meet me. The time difference, dvadesetosatni time and a chronic lack of sleep make their. Dejo and Marjan went with Maida and Tarik and I with jumbo, that he would not let her spend the night somewhere else. After two or three hours of sleep (time difference is something that is not easy privknuti AN), the phone we agreed to meet at the Westin Hotel, where she was staying representation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This happened on the day of the game, we play tonight against Mexico. Red light in the ghetto Jamba we wanted ovs paris on the way to the hotel to show one of the "famous" American parts of the city, ghetto. On the way to the Westin, which is located in downtown Atlanta, just ten minutes before, there is a black ghetto, where white people are not welcome in any're

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Click the photo or here look rich gallery of photos from the race in Australia The first race of the new season of Formula 1 went to Kimi Raikkonen and Lotus. Australian Grand Prix was held in Melbourne, a victory moe thank and well-chosen tactics. The Finn is riding on Pirelli in boxing Iao twice, or one less than its direct competitors. Second place went to Fernando alonsoi from Ferrari, while the third was Sebastian Vettel of Red Bull. Ranking the tenth position's Felipe Massa (Ferrari), Lewis Hamilton (Mercedes), Mark Webber (Red Bull), Adrian Sutil (Force India), Paul di Resta (Force India), Jenson Button (McLaren ) and R. Grosjean (Lotus).
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Thursday, January 1, 2015

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Q oznati Palestinian journalist Abdel Bari Atwan, said that he was Yasser Arafat admitted in 1994 that he signed the Peace Agreement in Oslo, because he believed it would lead to the escape of thousands of Jews from Israel. Abdel Bari Atwan, editor of the London daily newspaper "Al-Quds al-Arabi", says that he was told Arafat in Tunis, a few days before the arrival of the PLO in Gaza. "We met in his office, around 3:00 in the morning," recalls Atwan. "He told me: 'Abdel Bari, I know you're resisting a peace agreement, but do not ever forget what I tell you. The day will come when you will see thousands of Jews fleeing Palestine. I will not live to see it, but you certainly will. The Oslo will be one of the causes. '"Before signing the Oslo Accords, Arafat and Atwan were close friends and met regularly. After Oslo, Atwan has become an outspoken critic of the agreement, as well as corruption within the Palestinian Authority. In recent years, Atwan openly called Arafat to resign, accusing him of having betrayed the Palestinians and to protect corrupt colleagues. "Our close relationships are stopped after he signed the notorious agreement in Oslo. However, I was looking forward, at times, to meet with him, in European capitals, at the height of" peace of the brave ". ('The peace of the braves' is a term in the 90's for years used in the context of the peace process between Israel and the PLO. - op. AN) Atwan was also discovered that Arafat personally decided to form a "Martyrs Brigades Al-Aqsa", in response to US and Israeli efforts to isolating it, after failed shutter island negotiations at Camp David in 2000. "In these negotiations, he (Arafat) shutter island was exposed to massive pressure by the US and some Arab countries to agree on a compromise with regard to Jerusalem. Ironically, some Arab leaders, including Saudi Prince successor, Abdullah bin Abdel Aziz, called Arafat are seeking to show flexibility on the issue of Jerusalem. "Atwan said that Arafat rejected the offers Israel" because it was not prepared to sign a final peace treaty with the Jewish state . He was fully aware that it is marked in history as a traitor who betrayed the idea of the right of return shutter island and the sovereignty of the greater shutter island part of East Jerusalem. "Atwan further says that when he met Arafat shutter island in Tunis in 1994, this was lonely and depressed . "Most of the associates left him, some because they did not want to be held accountable for the consequences of the peace agreement, and the majority of the financial lines of reasoning." "Arab Gulf States have abolished their financial support of the PLO after the first Gulf War, because Arafat supported Saddam and his occupation of Kuwait. Commenting on Arafat's hope that the Oslo force thousands shutter island of Jews to escape from Israel, Atwan said: "Thousands of Jews did not escape, such as President Arafat predicted. But, some have started to pack and flee from Gaza and some settlements shutter island in the West obali.Ima indication also increased emigration to Europe, USA and Canada, as a result of suicide attacks and feelings of insecurity among the people of Israel. " Published in the Jerusalem Post,
Article 22 "The Jews were behind the French Revolution, was erected and the communist revolution. shutter island They challenged I. and II. World War, wrote the Balfour Declaration, the financial control of the imperial countries colonized other countries and exploited their wealth and brought corruption, and established the United Nations and the Security Council to facilitate the management world. "
Article 28. "Israel, therefore what is Jewish and what is inhabited by Jews, defies Islam and the Muslims. Zionism is not above of the vile and abominable ways to achieve their own desires. For the purpose of infiltrating and spying, relies heavily on secret organization that was established, like the Freemasons, Rotary and Lions clubs, and other spy organizations. All these secret organizations, some of which are visible to the public, act in favor of Zionism and under his guidance, and seek to destroy societies and their values, abrogate responsibility, shake virtue and eradicate Islam. He stands behind the distribution of drugs and all kinds of opiates in order to impose its control and expansion "
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2009 (34) June (1) May (16) April (17) 2007 (10) December (1) October (3) May (5) March (1) 2006 (62) December (1) November (1) August (17) July (29) February (6) January shutter island (8) 2005 (38) December (14) November (3) October (7) June (1) `