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Mamoru Oshii created with Ghost in the Shell one of the most popular anime of all time - and that the next year will celebrate its 20th anniversary. To celebrate its tenth anniversary published Nipponart the anime cult film on 28 November 2014 in a Blu-ray Media Book. This is in addition to the feature film, a making of, both German dubbed version, trailer, additional featurettes and a booklet and can be pre-ordered online retailer paranorman Amazon.de immediately. Wait for the time being, paranorman however, remains as the Mediabook will look like.
Content: 2029: Except for a small part of her brain, called the Ghost, most people inwzischen consist of cables and circuits. The vision of the cyborg became a reality. There is no question that this achievement provides a wide field of criminal activity. Looking for a suitable host known as the puppet master paranorman programmer, or rather what exists of him in cyberspace to manipulate in the artificial brains of individuals to whose memory hacks. The agent Motoko Kusanagi tried now with her unit, the so-called section 9 to put an end to the activities -. Not knowing that the government itself has its finger in the entity known as Puppetmaster ...
Desperado created cult director Robert Rodriguez (Sin City, Planet Terror) what Sam Raimi accomplished with Evil Dead 2 - almost better remake their no-budget Erstlin ... more ...
As The Evil Dead 2 and Genesis Infinity Pictures paranorman published on 16 January 2015, Dan Garcia Terror Trap not only in several limited editions. The fact is the same in ... more ...
As The Evil Dead 2 Infinity Pictures published on 16 January 2015, Reese Eveneshens Dead Genesis not only in one but in several limited editions. The label ste ... more ...
Recently, we were able to inform them that Sam Raimi's Infinity paranorman Pictures Evil Dead 2 (Original title: Evil Dead 2) will publish three Blu-ray Media Books. Yes, ... more ...
It may indeed be a bit early yet to speak of February next year in November, but we now want to give them a view of the upcoming program of Paramount Ho ... more ...
You can also just look here, then you know how the MB will look like: http://www.nipponart.de/movies-dvds-und-blu-ray/ghost-in-the-shell-movie-25-jahre-jubilaeums-edition-blu-ray-voe-28-11-2014.html
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